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1 lb fresh beets washed and trimmed

Olive oil or canola oil spray

1 red onion sliced

1 handful fresh dill chopped

1-2 tsps olive or canola oil

1-2 tsps apple cider vinegar

1 drizzle of honey (I like Mike’s Hot Honey)

Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Wash and pat dry the beets.  Cut off both ends.  Place beets on a sheet of aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray, sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Wrap in aluminum foil, and roast in oven for approximately an hour.


Remove from oven and test for doneness by inserting a knife cleanly through the beets. 


Wearing gloves, peel beets under running water (Tip: if beets are still warm, skin should rub right off). Otherwise you can peel with knife or vegetable peeler.


Slice beets and add onions, dill, vinegar, oil, honey, and salt and pepper.


Makes a great side salad.  Make it a dinner salad by adding arugula, dried cranberries or blueberries, chopped apples, goat or blue cheese and toasted walnuts.  Drizzle with more olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


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