Bunch of asparagus
1 clove garlic
4 eggs
olive oil
Wash and cut asparagus into small pieces. (Cut off hard bottom stems.)
Chop garlic glove in small pieces. Chop parsley.
In a bowl, beat eggs and mix in chopped garlic and parsley. Add a little salt and pepper.
In a frying pan, warm up olive oil, (enough so food won’t stick). Put in small pieces of asparagus and sauté over medium heat, stirring. Add salt and pepper. When asparagus is just about cooked, pour in egg mixture over asparagus. Let cook. When it seems settled, take a large enough plate and cover pan. Then flip frittata upside down and put back into pan, letting other side cook. When you see frittata is firm enough, turn off heat.
Cut into wedges or squares. Enjoy with a hunk of Italian bread and wine!
Mangia! (Eat!)
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